Tallest Human tower (Failed Attempt)..GWR

The attempt in this video, shot for Chinese television failed, due to the tower falling. The current record stands at 6 people on top of each others shoulders and was performed by the Fuyong Acrobatic Arts Group of Bao An District (all China) on the set of Zheng Da Zong Yi - Guinness World Records Special in Beijing, China, on 18 September 2007.

Most Telephone Directories Ripped in 2Min

Most Telephone Directories Ripped in 2 minutes - Die Meisten Telefonbücher in Zwei Gerissen in 2 Minuten The most telephone directories ripped in two minutes from the spine are 33, achieved by Cosimo Ferrucci (Italy) on the set of Zheng Da Zong Yi - Guinness World Records Special in Beijing, China, on 21 December 2010. In this video we see Cosimo claiming his previous record of 32 in his home country. Der Rekord für die meisten in zwei Hälften gerissenen Telefonbücher (vom Buchrücken aus) in zwei Minuten ist 33, gebrochen von Cosimo Ferrucci. Er brach den Rekord auf dem Set von Zheng Da Zong Yi beim Guinness World Records Spezial in China am 21 Dezember 2010. In diesem Video sehen wir Cosimo, wie er den vorherigen Rekord von 32 Büchern in seinem Heimatland bricht.

Tightest Parallel Parking Record Beaten at New Mini Launch -- Guinness World Records

One of our most popular world records over recent years has been the hotly contested tightest parallel parking title. The record has changed hands five times in the past two years, with our video of German driving ace Ronny Wechselberger 's successful attempt last year becoming something of an internet sensation with viewing figures hitting the millions. When Patrik Folco neatly slid his way into a gap measuring just 22 cm (8.66 in) longer than the car he was driving last month it set a benchmark that looked unlikely to be broken. However, the record has indeed once again been smashed , this time by Chinese master wheelman Han Yue. Han last week managed to shave off an incredible 7cm from the record, drifting into a space of just 15 cm (5.91 in) longer than his vehicle during an attempt at the launch in Beijing of a new special edition of the Mini called The Chinese Job.

Climbing stairs with head...

Wow this guy climbs stairs with his head and sets a new world record!

Most Bras Unhooked In 1 Minutes

Chris Nicholson (UK) unhooked 20 bras in one minute using one hand on the set of ITV's Guinness World Records: A Few Records More (UK) at the London Television Studios, London, UK on 11 September 2004.

Most Punch Strikes In I Min

The most full contact punch strikes in one minute is 347 by Anthony Kelly (Australia) on the set of Guinness World Records, at Seven Network Studios, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia on 20 March 2005.


LOS ANGELES: Pakistani filmmaker and first-time Oscar nominee Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy won an Academy Award on Monday for her documentary about acid attack victims, a first for a Pakistani.
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